I flew in from Bonneville.
It was far too salty and flat for my tastes.
I thought I might find you out there racing.
I walked out of the Gobi.
Sand and wind aren’t my cup of tea.
I spent 3 long years searching for your bones.
I left the Sahara.
My skin was getting leathery and the sand got in my radio.
I bribed nomad after nomad, but no news of you though.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Desert Tongues
We Both Thought You Were Beautiful
My love for you would have been strong and dutiful,
But I see that the only thing we had in common
Was that we both thought you were beautiful.
Labels: poetry
You Are Not Real
“Hey, you can’t be looking at something like that in here. These are real people walking around with real sensibilities and fears, hungers and desires. They aren’t fictional characters like you.
“With your ball cap and your talking way too loud on your two-way phone planning three-way sex. Your shaved, stubbled head, your braying laugh.
“These people are blocked with solidity. They are unerringly corporeal. They have substance. They are real.
“They are not like you.
“You’re a caricature, a cartoon hound pacing back and forth from computer to telephone inscribing an ever-widening path in the already worn carpet.”
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Proud bumper sticker
I saw a bumper sticker today that read, "PROUDLY SERVED IN THE AIR FORCE 1973 - 1978".
It inspired me to create this one in order to display my pride.
Labels: bumper sticker, military, patriotism